Questionnaire | Compliance |
1. Does the GOCC disclose a policy that: | |
a. Stipulates the existence and scope of its effort to address customer's welfare? | a. 1. Yes. In Section IX, 1 of the HDMF Manual of Corporate Governance, the Fund recognizes its Stakeholders, namely: 1) Pag-IBIG Fund Members; 2) Employers, both Public and Private Sector, 3) Cooperatives, Unions, or other similar organizations; 4) All branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities and agencies of the Government; 5) The Housing Industry; 6) Banks and other Financial Institutions; 7) Officers and employees of the Fund; and, 8) The Filipino Workers. Under Section 2 of RA 9678, the Fund has a twin mandate which is (1) to improve the quality of life of its members by developing and promoting an integrated nationwide, sound, and viable tax-exempt mutual provident savings system suitable to the needs of the employed and other earning groups; and (2) promoting home ownership through the extension of affordable housing loans. This translates into its Corporate Vision for every filipino worker to save with the Fund and to have decent shelter. Further, as outlined in Pag-IBIG Fund CSR Statement, the Fund's policy focuses on member welfare through exclusive fund administration, including dividends and loans, while ensuring transparent, accountable public service, and compliance with laws and regulations, which are posted in the Fund's official website for the member's reference." Quality Policy Information Security Policy People's Freedom of Information Manual |
b. Elaborates its efforts to interact with the communities in which they operate? | 1. Yes. The HDMF Manual of Corporate Governance emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships and transparent communication with the communities surrounding the Fund's operations. Section IX, 3, regarding communication with stakeholders, highlights the Fund's commitment to accountability and full disclosure, aligned with its Provident Character as outlined in Section 10 of R.A. 9679 and the constitutional mandate for public office as a public trust. Recognizing the crucial role of stakeholders, the Fund ensures that the stakeholders have access to relevant, sufficient, and reliable information, on a timely and regular basis to be able to exercise their rights. Stakeholder shall have access to legal redress in the event that their rights are violated. Consistent with its Provident Character under Section 10 of Republic Act No. 9879, and pursuant to the constitutional mandate that public office trust, the Fund, its Trustees, Officers, and Employees, shall, at all times, uphold the policy of accountability and full disclosure. 2. Pag-IBIG Fund’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) exemplifies its commitment in upholding its twin mandates to generate savings through membership and to mobilize provident funds for housing purposes in achieving its objective of BUILDING A BRIGHTER FUTURE. The Fund adheres to be socially responsible, to act and to operate as good corporate citizens. In the pursuit of its vision, Pag-IBIG Fund is governed by its core values of Professionalism, Integrity, Excellence and Service in accordance with the prescribed ethical standards for public officials and employees. HDMF Manual of Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibility. Pag-IBIG Fund: Building a Brighter Future 2022 Annual Report pp. 73-75 |
c. Ensure that its value chain is environmentally friendly or is consistent with promoting sustainable development? | c. Yes. In compliance with the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11285 (An Act Institutionalizing Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Enhancing the Efficient Use of Energy, and Granting Incentives to Energy Efficiency and Conservation Projects), and as part of the Fund's energy conservation initiatives, Pag-IBIG Fund issued Special Order No. 2020-2515 designating an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Officer (EECO) and Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EEC) Focal Persons for CHQ and Technical and Administrative Support (TAS) Offices. Their duties and responsibilities include the preparation and formulation of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan (EECP), regular monthly submission to DOE-EUMB of CHQ's electricity and fuel consumption reports, implementation of information and awareness through the installation of posters on energy conservation, maintenance of Enercon Monitoring Charts, maintenance of energy measuring instruments and GPS tracking system, and implementation of a lighting replacement plan for Pag-IBIG Fund. In line with the Fund's efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change and maximize the utilization of renewable energy resources, the Fund allows the availment of Pag-IBIG housing loans for the acquisition/installation of solar panels as part of home improvement or as a component of the housing unit to be purchased, subject to the terms and conditions provided in the prevailing guidelines. |
2. Does the GOCC disclose the activities that it has undertaken to implement the above-mentioned policies? | |
a. Customer health and safety | a. Yes. To ensure the safety and well-being of its members, Pag-IBIG mandates full vaccination for all its personnel. Flu vaccinations were rolled out during July 3-7. These proactive measures not only safeguard the health of employees but also enhance safety protocols during transactions, ensuring a secure environment for both employees and members alike. Additionally, on July 31, 2023, the Fund conducted its first-ever simultaneous bloodletting activity in partnership with Dugong Alay, Dugtong Buhay, Inc., Tondo General Hospital, and Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital. This initiative engaged 319 donors who passed the screening and were able to donate blood, contributing to potentially saving lives. This event underscored the Fund's commitment to community welfare and health. |
b. Interaction with the communities | b.Yes. 1. On August 2, 2023, the Lingkod Pag-IBIG on Wheels, a mobile extension of Pag-IBIG services, deployed its resources to assist members affected by Typhoons Egay and Falcon. This innovative service brings Pag-IBIG closer to its members, especially during emergencies, by providing on-the-go access to various Pag-IBIG services. The mobile branches serve as a quick-response unit, ensuring that essential services are delivered promptly to calamity-stricken areas. 2. Additionally, on July 31, 2023, the Fund conducted its first-ever simultaneous bloodletting activity in partnership with Dugong Alay, Dugtong Buhay, Inc., Tondo General Hospital, and Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital. This initiative engaged 319 donors who passed the screening and were able to donate blood, contributing to potentially saving lives. This event underscored the Fund's commitment to community welfare and health. |
c. Environmentally-friendly value chain | c. Yes. 1. The Pag-IBIG Fund received the Energy Efficiency Excellence Award (EEE) Y2023 under the Government Category for the GOCCs from the Department of Energy (DOE)- Energy Utilization Management Bureau (EUMB) last December 19, 2023. The Fund is recognized based on three categories; office policy, best practices for electricity conservation and best practices for fuel conservation. 2. Tree Planting CSR Activity in Bucari Pine Forest in Iloilo. Pag-IBIG Fund recognizes the importance of environmental sustainability and the preservation of natural resources. As part of its corporate social responsibility initiatives, the Pag-IBIG Fund organized a tree planting activity at the Bucari Pine Forest in Iloilo last December 1, 2023, on the third day of its Administrative Conference (AdminCon) 2023. |
3. Does the GOCC have a separate corporate social responsibility (CSR) report/section or sustainability report/section? | |
4. Where stakeholder interests are protected by law, stakeholders should have the opportunity to obtain effective redress for violation of their rights. | |
Does the GOCC provide contact details via the company’s website or Annual Report which stakeholders (e.g. customers, suppliers, general public, etc.) can use to voice their concerns and/or complaints for possible violation of their rights? | Yes. Pag-IBIG Fund operates a Contact Center and Hotline number (87-244-244), which provides assistance for member queries and complaints. Specific teams are assigned for specific programs (MID Number, merging of records, follow-up loans, and other frequently-accessed services) to provide specialized assistance for customer requirements. Pag-IBIG Fund also has a chat facility, found in all pages of website, which provides assistance to specific member concerns: Short-Term Loan status of application, status of Member Savings, Member ID Number, Housing Loan update, Consolidation of Records, Loyalty Card Application, Virtual Pag-IBIG Registration, follow-up on Payment Postings, and Others. Pag-IBIG Fund adheres to the ARTA guidelines in the turn-around-time that a meber's complaint or concern must be addresed depending on the nature or gravity of the concern. The Pag-IBIG Hotline is different from the Pag-IBIG Trunkline (84-223-000), which connects to all departments for operational concerns. |
5. Performance enhancing mechanisms for employee participation should be permitted to develop. | |
a. Does the GOCC explicitly mention the health, safety and welfare policy for its employees? | a. Yes. Pag-IBIG Fund's HR Bulletin No. 2023-042 outlines the updated protocols on Minimum Public Health Standards relevant to the Fund's workplace, following the announcement of the lifting of the Public Health Emergency through Proclamation No. 297. |
b. Does the GOCC publish data relating to health, safety and welfare of its employees? | b. Yes. The Pag-IBIG Fund website provides report on the employees' access to health, safety, and wellness programs. |
c. Does the GOCC have training and development programmes for its employees? | c. Yes. The Fund provided trainings and development programs for its employees for year 2023 on : Customer Service, Leadership Competency Program, Functional Competency Program and Continuing Development Program among others. |
d. Does the GOCC publish data on training and development programs for its employees? | d. Yes.The Pag-IBIG Fund website provides quarterly report on the employees acccess to training and development.. A summary of the training, number of participants and training hours for health , safety and wellness programs. |
6. Stakeholders including individual employee and their representative bodies, should be able to freely communicate their concerns about illegal or unethical practices to the board and their rights should not be compromised for doing this. | |
a. Does the GOCC have procedures for complaints by employees concerning illegal (including corruption) and unethical behavior? | Yes. Pag-IBIG Fund updated its Whistleblowing Policy (WP) to provide the actual procedure for the handling of reports and protection of the whistleblower. A copy of the policy and the procedure is updated in the website. The Annual Report also featured the WP and providing the link to the complete file. It states: Handling of Whistleblowing Reports: Filing for administrative expedency, all Whistleblowing Reports must be submitted to the LGCG through any reporting channels identified in item IV of this policy. Investigation by the LGCG- All whistleblowing reports will be eveluated and investigated by the LGCG through the Whistleblowing Commitee, which reserves the right to disregard reports that are vague, ambiguous, patenly without merit, or are simply made with malicious intent to tarnish the name and reputation of the person/s complained of. The Whistleblowing Commitee shall be composed of: 1. Vice President of the LGCG (Ex-Officio Chairman); 2. The Vice President of the Human Resource Services Group (Member); 3. The Vice President of the Management Services Group (Member). In case the one complained of is a member of the Whistleblowing Committee, the Chief Executive Officers shall designate any of the Vice Presidents. Pag-IBIG Fund Employee Whistleblowing Policy |
b. Does the GOCC have procedures to protect an employee/person reveals illegal/unethical behavior from retaliation? | Yes. Pag-IBIG Fund's Whistleblowing Policy Section 6. (Protection of a Whistleblower against Retaliation) may be found in the corporate website. It states: VI. Protection of a Whistleblower Against Retaliation - Retaliatory acts agains Whistleblowers who submit Whistleblowing Reports in good faith shall not be tolerated by the Fund. Pag-IBIG Fund shall extend possible assistance or protection to the Whistleblower to the extent allowed by law and deemed proper under the circumstances of each case. Such retaliatory acts may include: (a.) Discrimination or harassment in the workplace; (b.) Demotion; (c.) Reduction in Salary or benefits; (d.) Termination of contract; (e.) Evident bias in performance evaluation; or (f.) Any acts or threats that adversley affect the rights and interests of the Whistleblower. All complaints against the Whistleblower arising from his WR will be taken cognizance by the Chief Executive Officer, and shall be endorsed the same to the Legal and General Counsel Group (LGCG) for appropriate action. Pag-IBIG Fund Employee Whistleblowing Policy |
Questionnaire | Compliance |
7. Quality of Annual Report Does the GOCC's annual report disclose the following items: |
a. Corporate objectives |
Yes. Pag-IBIG Fund is guided by it's twin mandates of providing affordable shelter financing and secured savings facility for its members. Its 5-year plan and corporate objectives are aligned with this mandates. Pag-IBIG Fund has likewise uploaded a copy of its Operational Vision/Corporate Objectives together with its Strategy Map as submitted to the GCG. |
b. Financial performance indicators | The Pag-IBIG Fund's financial performance is disclosed through the following pages on the website: 1. Governance Page A. Section 43.3 On Financial and Operational Matters B. Section 43.4 On Governance Matters The Pag-IBIG Fund 2023 Performance Scorecard and Strategy Map includes detalls on the Fund's Financial Key Result Areas (KRAs), and Strategic Objectives (SO) and Strategic Measures (SM) on the the following items: - Provide Affordable Home Financing - Increase in Asset Size - Ensure Financial Sustainability - Improve Asset Quality - Maximize Budget Utilization 2. Pag-IBIG Fund News provides members with updates on the financial status of the Fund, including the result of the COA Audit |
c. Non-financial performance indicators | The Pag-IBIG Fund website discloses the non-financial performance indicators such as the Fund's activities, performances and accomplishments, including awards and recognition, new partnerships, project completion, among others. Pag-IBIG Fund provides information on its performance through its annual accomplishment report, which is uploaded in the Transparency page of the corporate website. Pag-IBIG also announces third-party recognition of its excellent performance through news releases and its Awards page. |
d. Details of whistle-blowing policy | The Pag-IBIG Fund website discloses the details of the Fund's Whistleblowing Policy, under the Transparency Seal page, Section XI. Whistleblowing Policy. The Fund's Whistleblowing Policy includes details on the following: 1. Policy Statement 2. Purpose 3. Scope and Coverage 4. Form of Whistleblower Reports 5. Confidentiality 6. Protection of a Whistleblower Against Retaliation 7. Untrue Allegations 8. Handling of Whistleblowing Reports 9. Action on Whistleblowing Reports The Pag-IBIG Fund Annual Report also discloses details of the Pag-IBIG Fund Whistleblowing Policy under the Governance Report section. |
e. Biographical details (at least age, qualifications, date Reportof first appointment, relevant experience, and any other directorships of listed companies) of directors/commissioners | The Fund discloses the biographical details of the Board of Trustees through the Pag-IBIG Fund website. The 2023 Corporate Annual Report also discloses the biographical details of the Board of Trustees. |
f. Training and/or continuing education programme attended by each director/commissioner | The Pag-IBIG Fund supports the growth and continuing education of its officers. They undergo trainings and seminars to keep them abreast of the latest governance standards. |
8. Are the Annual Reports downloadable from the GOCC's website? | Pag-IBIG Fund has made available online all of its Annual Reports from 2009 to 2023. The Pag-IBIG Fund Annual Report 2023 may be downloaded from the website in pdf format |
9. Corporate Governance Confirmation Statement | |
Does the Annual Report contain a statement confirming the company's full compliance with the code of corporate governance and where there is non-compliance, identity and explain reasons for each such issue? | N/A |
10. Timely filing/release of annual/financial reports | |
a. Are the audited annual financial report/statement released within 60 days upon receipt from COA? | Yes. Pag-IBIG Fund received the clearance from COA to post the Audited Financial Statements on 11 July 2024, and was uploaded in the corporate website on 15 July 2024. |
b. ls the annual report released within 90 days from release of audited financial report? | Yes, The Pag-IBIG Fund 2023 Audited Financial Statement (AFS) was received on 21 June 2024, and was given clearance by COA to be posted publicly on 11 July 2024. The updated Corporate Annual Report (which added the section on AFS) was uploaded on the website on 30 July 2024, 40 calendar days after receipt of AFS and 19 days upon receipt of posting clearance from COA. |
c. ls the true and fairness/fair representation of the annual financial statement/reports affirmed by the board of directors/commissioners and/or the relevant officers of the company? | Yes. Included in Pag-IBIG Fund's Annual Audit Report is the Statement of Management's Responsibility for Financial Statements, which states that: Management is responsible for the preparation and fair representation of the financial statements, including the schedules attached herein, for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, in accordance with the prescribed financial reporting framework indicated therein, and for such internal control as Management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. |
Questionnaire | Compliance |
1. Does the GOCC practice Global Reporting lndex (GRl) on its annual reports? | N/A |
2. Quality of Annual Report
Yes. Pag-IBIG Fund received the clearance from COA to post the Audited Financial Statements on 28 June 2023, and was uploaded in the corporate website on 30 June 2023. |
Questionnaire | Compliance |
1. Are there members of the Board of Directors who hold more than five (5) positions in GOCCs and PLCs? | No. There is no member of the Board (Appointive Directors) holding more than five (5) positions in other GOCCs and PLCs. |
2. ls there non-compliance with Good Governance Conditions? | No. The Fund has recently received the 2022 PES on August 22, 2023. The Fund is complying with the good governance condition under GCG MC 2023-01. Meanwhile, all the items below were all updated in the Transparency Seal and Corporate Governance page in the Pag-IBIG Fund website. Transparency Seal page: - I. The agency’s mandates and functions, names of officials with their position and designation, contact and other information (i.e. ISO Certificate) - IV. Major Program Targets and Accomplishments (i.e. Quarterly Accomplishment Report on PES and annual validated Performance Scorecard) - XII. Citizen's Charter Corporate Governance - 43.3. On Financial and Operational Matters i.e. Quarterly Accomplishment Report on PES and annual validated Performance Scorecard) - 43.4. On Governance Matters (i.e. Performance Scorecard and Strategy Map, CSR Statement) |